Exams are offered across a wide range of subjects, catering for all levels of ability. Find out the appropriate information below for your subject and level.
英國倫敦音樂學院(簡稱 LCM) 創辦於 1887 年,是英國歷史悠久的音樂學府之 一,現時是英國西倫敦大學的音樂學院。LCM 自創辦以來,已開設校外考試,是眾多校外級別考試中,最具公信力,最多考試課程項目的,唯一可獲大學頒發證書的考試。
LCM各級別和文憑級的考試,皆獲得英國資格及課程審評局QCA、香港考試局、香港九間大學及澳門大學認可。LCM 考試的分數會被納入EQF的框架,即考生若透過UCAS 制度,申請就讀英國大學,在六至八級考試取得合格或以上成績,將有助提高大學的入學分數。
LCM考試科目涵蓋十分廣泛,考試包括有鋼琴、管風琴、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音大提琴、結他(古典,民謠,搖滾)、夏威夷小結他、豎琴、長笛、單簧管、雙簧管、巴松管、牧童笛、薩克管、圓號、大號、小號、長號、細管上低音號、粗管上低音號、各類敲擊樂、聲樂(古典/流行)丶幼兒音樂評核(Early Learning in Music) 及樂理(古典/流行)考試。
LCM Recognition
英國倫敦音樂學院考試 國際認証
London College of Music Examinations are awarded by University of West London Qualifications, which is recognised by Ofqual (the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator) and the corresponding organisations in Wales (Qualifications Wales) and Northern Ireland (CCEA) to offer regulated qualifications.
Our graded exams in most subjects, plus our diplomas in music performance, music teaching and drama, are regulated by Ofqual, Qualifications Wales and CCEA. In order to be regulated, qualifications need to meet stringent criteria related to exam content, delivery, assessment and reporting procedures.
LCM考試級別相等於NQF 英國國家資格架構及其相等程度:
FLCM演奏文憑 FLCM in Music Performance
碩士 Master degree module
NQF Level 7
LLCM演奏文憑及教育文憑 LLCM in Music Performance & Teaching
大學最後一年 Final-year Undergraduate degree module
NQF Level 6
ALCM演奏文憑及教育文憑 ALCM in Music Performance & Teaching
大學二年級 2nd-year Undergraduate degree module
NQF Level 5
DipLCM演奏文憑及教育文憑 DipLCM in Music Performance & Teaching
大學一年級 1st-year Undergraduate degree module
NQF Level 4
LCM Grade 6-8
高級程度教育證書 A Level
NQF Level 3
LCM Grade 4-5
中等教育證書 GCSE Grades A-C
NQF Level 2
LCM Grade 1-3
中等教育證書 GCSE Grades D-G
NQF Level 1
LCM Regional Exam Centre
We have several Examination Centres in different regions. Please contact the following representatives for LCM enquiries.
關於英國倫敦音樂學院考試,考生可聯絡考試代表 (852-28860589/ info@lcmexams.net) 或以下各地區所屬考試中心查詢及報名:
Hong Kong
Happy Sound Music (Taikoo)
Shop 4, G/F, Taiwoo Mansion, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong
(852) 2886 0589
Happy Sound Music (Yuen Long)
Shop 105A, 1/F, Yuen Long Landmark, Yuen Long, Hong Kong
(852) 2782 3038
Happy Sound Music (Central Macau)
Rua Central 51A R/C, Macau
(853) 2831 1071
Happy Sound Music (Mendes Macau)
Rua Silva Mendes 2 C-D, R/C, Macau
(853) 2851 6713
Happy Sound Music (Iao Hon Macau)
Estrada Marginal Do Hippodrome 38, San Mei On R/C
(853) 2841 6554